Happy St.Patrick's Day! We're busy bees here at the Bondi house studying...Ireland?

Nope, Japan! We are on week 4 of our KONOS Honor unit and we will be studying all about the Japanese culture from their dress and food to the Samurai Warrior and Tea Ceremony. I just wanted to post a few pics we took this morning in our "kimonos." I am wearing an actual kimono and Laini is wearing her Barbie robe with a sash...complete with High School Musical flip flops. lol. Isn't my kimono lovely? My grandmother gave it to me. The obi she gave me is a beautiful fabric (sorry I can't take close-ups) that depicts much of Japanese way of life and the landscape that it is famous for. My father grew up in a military family and lived there for 3 years. He doesn't remember much, as he was just 5 at the time, but he does remember how beautiful the country was outside of the military base. He said it was too difficult to describe to someone else just how breathtaking it was.
The lantern below is just a little decoration to get us thinking "Asian." It's actually from Korea, but I thought it added to our study so I hung one on each end of our curtain rod. They really do light up.
I'll be back soon with more of our "tour of Japan!"

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