It never ceases to amaze me how looooong winter seems and how lightening fast summer flies by. We have 1 more week to enjoy summer AND Daddy. He's off until the 22nd, when we plan on starting our homeschool schedule.
I have all my curriculum together with the exception of a few supplemental materials I hope to order on payday! So here's what we're using this year:
J-Saurus, age 10 (11 in October):
* MFW CTG (Creation to Greeks)
* First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind
* Writing Strands
* Spelling Power
* A Reason for Handwriting, Cursive
* Singapore Math
M.J., age 8 (9 in October)
* First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind
* Spelling Power
* A Reason for Handwriting, Cursive
* Singapore Math
Buster Brown, age 6
* MFW First Grade
On my Wishlist
* Mystery of History
This weekend I hope to get our "classroom" organized and ready for our first day!
I'll share pics ;)